Prof. Dr. Johannes Konert Dean of Studies Department of Applied Computer Science
+49 661 9640-3111
+49 661 9640-3009

Programming, web technologies

Fulda University of Applied Sciences
Building 51, Room 112
Leipziger Straße 123
36037 Fulda

Consultation hours: Lecture-free period by arrangement and regard course in moodle (eLearning).


Johannes Konert was Professor of Web Engineering at Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin (2015-2020) before being appointed Professor of Programming and Web Technologies at Fulda University of Applied Sciences. As a founding member of the digitalisation commission at Beuth University, he actively shaped the digital future of the university using digital media in teaching.

Before becoming a professor, he founded a social media company and did his doctorate as a DFG scholarship holder in the E-Learning Research Training Group at the TU Darmstadt. In the process, he developed solutions for knowledge exchange in learning games using social media technologies.

Currently, Mr Konert is researching the use of modern web technologies for networking and optimising individual learning experiences in social media-based learning applications.

Mr Konert has co-authored book chapters and publications in the research field of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) and is involved as a committee member in international conferences and journals. Since 2016, he has been active in the steering committee of the specialist group on educational technologies of the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (German Informatics Society ), which annually organises the largest German-language conference on educational technologies in informatics (DELFI). In autumn 2020, he was elected spokesperson of the specialist group on educational technologies.

Teaching Areas

Areas of Research

Mr Konert's research focuses on the use of web technologies, web engineering methods and process models to create modern web applications for learning (research field: educational technologies). A major research goal is the promotion of self-directed learning (formal, non-formal and informal educational contexts).

This includes in particular the following research areas (and technologies):

  • Web technologies (semantic web, service-oriented applications, content management, web development frameworks/stacks such as MERN).
  • Problem-based learning (pedagogical models, psychology, learning analytics, peer education)
  • Social media (design patterns for social interaction, social network analysis, big data processing).

Relevant aspects are:

  • Contextual adaptation of web interfaces (responsive design, 3D and web, mobile web)
  • Learning goal identification (visualisation and adaptation tools)
  • Adaptation and personalisation of learning flow and workflow (Educational Data Mining, Learning Analytics, Graph Models, Context Awareness and Recommender Systems)
  • Assessment of learning progress & test generation (open format tasks, learner modelling)
  • Learning group formation (recommendation and group formation algorithms)

In these research fields, Mr Konert is active in national and international research networks, advises companies on research projects and applications, and writes expert reports on publications and research projects as well as expert reports on Internet technologies.


Memberships and offices


Müller, A., Bellhäuser, H., Konert, J., & Röpke, R. (2021).
Effects of Group Formation on Student Satisfaction and Performance : A Field Experiment. Small Group Research, 0(0), 1-30. doi. org/10.1177/1046496420988592

Rau, F., Galanamatis, B., Gerber, L., Grell, P., Konert, J., Rheinländer, K., & Scholl, D. (2021).
Data protection and informational self-determination in schools. In Boden, A., Jakobi, T. (Eds.), Tagungsband Des Forum Verbraucherinformatik 2021. Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Sankt Augustin, Germany.

Raschke, T., & Konert, J. (2020).
Automatic Extraction of Semantic Competence Descriptions Using German Module Descriptions from Higher Education as an Example. In C. Schumacher (Ed.), Proceedings of the DELFI Workshops 2020 (Issue September, pp. 90-99). Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. doi. org/10.18420/delfi2020-ws-110

Buchem, I., & Konert, J. (2020).
Competency Mapping 3.0: Modelling, Cross-Referencing and Credentialing of Competencies with Semantic Technologies. Instruments and Implementation in the Open Virtual Mobility Project. In C. Schumacher (Ed.), Proceedings of the DELFI Workshops 2020 (pp. 58-69). Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. doi. org/10.18420/delfi2020-ws-107

Buchem, I., & Konert, J. (2020).
Semantic Competency Directory for Constructive Alignment in Digital Learning Designs and Systems. In E. Popescu, T. Hao, T.-C. Hsu, H. Xie, M. Temperini, & W. Chen (Eds.), 4th International Symposium, SETE 2019, Held in Conjunction with ICWL 2019 (pp. 83-88). Springer LNCS, Berlin. doi. org/10.1007/978-3-030-38778-5_11

Pinkwart, N., & Konert, J. (Eds.). (2019).
DELFI 2019 - Proceedings of the 17th Educational Technologies Conference (1st ed.). Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH.

Naoufal, A., Konert, J., & Naoufal, H. (2019).
EDUSPACE - Social media learning platform with a focus on inclusion. In N. Pinkwart & J. Konert (Eds.), Proceedings of the 17th Educational Technologies Symposium (DELFI) (pp. 293-294). Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. doi. org/10.18420/delfi2019_351

Tsovaltzi, D., Weinberger, A., Schmitt, L., Bellhäuser, H., Müller, A., Konert, J., Röpke, R., Gijlers, H., Eshuis, E., Eysink, T., Erkens, M., Manske, S., Hoppe, H. U., Bodemer, D., Sankaranarayanan, S., Dashti, C., Bogart, C., Wang, X., Sakr, M., ... van Aalst, J. (2019).
Group formation in the digital age: Relevant characteristics, their diagnosis, and combination for productive collaboration. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, CSCL, 2, 719-726.

Bellhäuser, H., Müller, A., Konert, J., Röpke, R., Tsovaltzi, D., Weinberger, A., Strauß, S., Rummel, N., Bodemer, D., Erkens, M., Schlusche, C., & Schnaubert, L. (2019).
Collaborative learning in online-supported university teaching: Interventions to improve university teaching, knowledge co-construction and group awareness. (Collaborative learning in online-supported university teaching: Interventions to improve university teaching, knowledge co-construction and group awareness. 7th Conference of the Community for Empirical Research in Learning, Teaching and Learning in Learning Institutions (GEBF 2016).

Konert, J., Buchem, I., & Stoye, J. (2019).
Digital skills directory with semantic web technologies. In S. Schulz (Ed.), Proceedings of DELFI Workshops 2019 (pp. 61-70). Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.z. doi. org/10.18420/delfi2019-ws-108

Shoukry, L., Konert, J., & Goebel, S. (2018).
The evaluation of learner experience in serious games. In I. Bouchrika, N. Harrati, & P. Vu (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Learner Experience and Usability in Online Education (1st ed., pp. 122-148). IGI Global Hershey, PA. doi. org/10.4018/978-1-5225-4206-3.ch005

Buchem, I., Konert, J., Carlino, C., Casanova, G., Rajagopal, K., Firssova, O., & Andone, D. (2018).
Designing a Collaborative Learning Hub for Virtual Mobility Skills. Insights from the European Project Open Virtual Mobility. In P. Zaphiris & A. Ioannou (Eds.), Proc. of the 20th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction: Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Design, Development and Technological Innovation (pp. 350-375). Springer, Cham. link.

Konert, J., & Frisch, P. (2018).
Arrvu - a Mobile Social App for Regional Artistic Services. In V. Cunnane & N. Corcoran (Eds.), Proc. of the 5th European Conference on Social Media. ACPI. www.

Bellhäuser, H., Konert, J., Müller, A., & Röpke, R. (2018).
Who is the perfect match? I-Com, 17(1), 65-77. doi. org/10.1515/icom-2018-0004

Bellhäuser, H., Konert, J., Müller, A., & Röpke, R. (2018).
Birds of a feather flock together? An experimental study on the effects of homogeneous or heterogeneous group formation on satisfaction and performance success (Poster). 6th Conference of the Society for Empirical Educational Research (GEBF).

Bellhäuser, H., Konert, J., Röpke, R., & Müller, A. (2017).
Like teaches like? An experimental study on the effect of homogeneous and heterogeneous learning group formation on satisfaction and performance (accepted for publication). In A. Weber (Ed.), Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the Departments of Developmental and Educational Psychology (PAEPSY) (p. 1). CPI books GmbH, Leck. www.

Konert, J., Röpke, R., & Bellhäuser, H. (2017).
mod_groupformation: Moodle plugin for algorithmically optimised learning group formation. In C. Igel, C. Ullrich, & M. Wessner (Eds.), Proc. of the 15th g.i. e-learning conference on informatics (Bildungsräume DeLFI 2017) (pp. 399-401). Bonner Köllen Verlag.

Bellhäuser, H., Konert, J., Röpke, R., & Rensing, C. (2017).
One extravert and one conscientious person in every learning group! Effects of the distribution of personality traits on satisfaction and learning outcome. In C. Igel, C. Ullrich, & M. Wessner (Eds.), Proc. of the 15th g.i. e-learning conference on informatics (Bildungsräume DeLFI 2017) (pp. 309-321). Bonner Köllen Verlag.

Buchem, I., & Konert, J. (2017).
Workshop on Enhancing Diversity with Open Badges. Proceedings of European Distance and E-Learning Network Conference (EDEN).

Konert, J., Buchem, I., Lewis, L., Hamilton, G., & Riches, T. (2017).
Competency alignment of open badges. In C. M. Stracke, M. Shanks, & O. Tveiten (Eds.), Official Proceedings of the International WLS and LINQ Conference 2017 (pp. 29-36). Logos Verlag GmbH Berlin. wls.

Konert, J., Söbke, H., & Wendel, V. (2016).
Multiplayer serious games. In R. Dörner, S. Göbel, W. Effelsberg, & J. Wiemeyer (Eds.), Serious Games - Foundations, Concepts and Practice (1st ed., pp. 211-241). Springer International Publishing. doi. org/10.1007/978-3-319-40612-1_8

Dey, R., & Konert, J. (2016).
Content generation for serious games. In R. Dörner, S. Göbel, M. Kickmeier-Rust, M. Masuch, & K. A. Zweig (Eds.), Entertainment Computing and Serious Games (1st ed., pp. 174-188). Springer International Publishing. doi. org/10.1007/978-3-319-46152-6

Konert, J., Söbke, H., & Wendel, V. (2016).
Social network games. In R. Dörner, S. Göbel, M. Kickmeier-Rust, M. Masuch, & K. A. Zweig (Eds.), Entertainment computing and serious games (1st ed., pp. 442-474). Springer International Publishing. doi. org/10.1007/978-3-319-46152-6

Röpke, R., Gallwas, E., Konert, J., & Bellhäuser, H. (2016).
MoodlePeers: Automated learning group formation based on psychological trait characteristics in e-learning systems. In U. Lucke, A. Schwill, & R. Zender (Eds.), Proc. of the 14th g.i. e-learning symposium on informatics (DeLFI 2016) (pp. 233-244). Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH.

Wiemeyer, J., Kiy, A., Mock, A., Bodemer, D., Schaper, S., Egetenmeier, A., Gebhardt, K., Kremser, E., Ballensiefen, Y., Scharrer, L., Bender, M., Rapp, A., & Heise, L. (2016).
The measured education: opportunities and risks of digitally interlinked technologies. Proceedings of the fifth JFMH (Young Forum for Media and Higher Education Development) 2016 (F. Rau, C. Rensing, D. Bücker, V. Dander, A. Gumbert, A. Lorenz, J. Konert, A. Thielsch, & T. van Treek (Eds.); 1st ed.). eleed - e-learning & education (open access).

Konert, J., Bellhäuser, H., Röpke, R., Gallwas, E., & Zucik, A. (2016).
MoodlePeers: Factors relevant in learning group formation for improved learning outcomes, satisfaction and commitment in e-learning scenarios using GroupAL. In K. Verbert, M. Sharples, & T. Klobucar (Eds.), Adaptive and Adaptable Learning: Proc. of the 11th European Conf. on Techn. Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2016) (pp. 390-396). Springer LNCS, Berlin. doi. org/10.1007/978-3-319-45153-4_32

Konert, J., Bohr, C., Rensing, C., & Bellhäuser, H. (2016).
PeerLA - Assistant for Individual Learning Goals and Self-Regulation Competency Improvement in Online Learning Scenarios. Proc. of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Advancing Learning Technologies (ICALT), 52-56. doi. org/10.1109/ICALT.2016.100

Bruder, R., Grell, P., Konert, J., Rensing, C., & Wiemeyer, J. (2015).
Workshop: Quality assessment of teaching and learning videos. In N. Nistor & S. Schirlitz (Eds.), Digital media and interdisciplinarity - Proceedings of GMW 2015 (pp. 295-297). Waxmann Verlag. www.

Conole, G., Klobučar, T., Rensing, C., Konert, J., & Lavoué, É. (2015).
Design for teaching and learning in a networked world: 10th European conference on technology enhanced learning, EC-TEL 2015 Toledo, Spain, september 15-18, 2015 proceedings. In G. Conole, T. Klobučar, C. Rensing, J. Konert, & É. Lavoué (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (Vol. 9307, p. 281). Springer International Publishing. doi. org/10.1007/978-3-319-24258-3

Lipkowsky, R., & Konert, J. (2015).
Request 4 Learning - a Connectivism Inspired Social Media Learning Environment. Proc. of the 2nd European Conference on Social Media (ECSM), 288-296.

Després, L., Rensing, C., Tittel, S., & Konert, J. (2015).
Modelling learners' competences: explicit and implicit competence capture in a learning environment for service technicians. In H. Pongratz & R. Keil (Eds.), DeLFI (pp. 95-106). Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH. www.

Göbel, S., Mehm, F., Wendel, V., Konert, J., Hardy, S., Reuter, C., Gutjahr, M., & Dutz, T. (2014).
Creating, controlling and evaluating serious games. Informatik-Spektrum. doi. org/10.1007/s00287-014-0824-2

Konert, J., Göbel, S., & Steinmetz, R. (2014).
Video game personalization via social media participation. In J. Wiemeyer & S. Göbel (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Serious Games (GameDays) (pp. 35-46). Springer LNCS, Berlin.

Dutz, T., Majewski, M., Müller, S., Braun, A., Konert, J., Kamieth, F., Rieß, H., Mrsic Carl, A., Bender, D., Brückner, V., Klein, P., Wichert, R., Göbel, S., & Steinmetz, R. (2014).
inDAgo - ein Mobilitätsunterstützungssystem für Senioren auf dem Weg in die Praxis. Tagungsband Des 8. AAL-Kongresses Des VDE.

Konert, J. (2014).
Using Social Media Interactions for Personalization and Adaptation in Digital Games. Proceedings of the European Conference on Social Media (ECSM), 263-270.

Göbel, S., Shoukry, L., & Konert, J. (2014, March).
inDAgo - Alltag und Freizeitmobilität von Senioren. The Architect, 32-35.

Konert, J., Burlak, D., & Steinmetz, R. (2014).
The Group Formation Problem: An Algorithmic Approach to Learning Group Formation. In C. Rensing, S. de Freitas, T. Ley, & P. J. Muñoz-Merino (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL) (pp. 221-234). Springer Berlin. doi. org/10.1007/978-3-319-11200-8_17

Göbel, S., Mehm, F., Wendel, V., Konert, J., Hardy, S., Reuter, C., Gutjahr, M., & Dutz, T. (2014).
Authoring, control and evaluation of serious games. Authoring, Control and Evaluation of Serious Games. Informatik-Spektrum, 37(6), 1251-1260.

Knöll, M., Konert, J., Neuheuser, K., Hardy, S., Dutz, T., Gutjahr, M., Rudolph-Cleff, A., Vogt, J., & Göbel, S. (2014).
Interdisciplinary Course on Urban Health Games: Concept and First Results of an Interdisciplinary Course on Location-based Games for Health. In P. D. Perez, M. Divitini, C. Giovannella, M. Kalz, & A. Martens (Eds.), Workshop on Smart City Learning at EC-TEL 2014 (p. 5). www.

Konert, J., Burlak, D., Göbel, S., & Steinmetz, R. (2014).
GroupAL: an algorithm for formation and quality assessment of learning groups in e-learning scenarios. I-Com Journal of Interactive Media, 13(1), 70-81. doi. org/10.1515/icom-2014-0010

Konert, J. (2014).
PhD Thesis Summary. ACM SIGMM Records, 6(1). records.

Konert, J. (2014).
Social serious games: how social media support knowledge sharing in learning games. PIK - Praxis Der Informationsverarbeitung Und Kommunikation, 37(2), 161-162. doi. org/10.1515/pik-2013-0048

Konert, J. (2014).
Interactive Multimedia Learning: Using Social Media for Peer Education in Single-Player Educational Games. Springer. www.

Konert, J., Gutjahr, M., Göbel, S., & Steinmetz, R. (2014).
Modeling the Player: Predictability of the Models of Bartle and Kolb Based on NEO-FFI (Big5) and the Implications for Game-Based Learning. International Journal of Game-Based Learning, 4(2), 36-50. doi. org/10.4018/ijgbl.2014040103

Konert, J., Wendel, V., Richter, K., & Göbel, S. (2013).
Collaborative Learning and Game Mastering in Multiplayer Games. In K. Bredl & W. Bösche (Eds.), Serious Games and Virtual Worlds in Education, Professional Development, and Healthcare (1st ed., pp. 85-104). IGI Global. doi. org/10.4018/978-1-4666-3673-6.ch006

Konert, J., Göbel, S., & Steinmetz, R. (2013).
Social serious games framework. In S. Boll, S. Maaß, & R. Malaka (Eds.), Mensch & Computer 2013 - Workshop volume (pp. 255-260). Oldenbourg Verlag. doi. org/10.1524/9783486781236.255

Konert, J., Göbel, S., & Steinmetz, R. (2013).
Modeling the Player, Learner and Personality: Independeny of Models of Bartle, Kolb and NEO-FFI (Big5) and the Implications for Game Based Learning. Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Game Based Learning (ECGBL) 2013, 329-335.

Konert, J., Burlak, D., Göbel, S., & Steinmetz, R. (2013).
GroupAL: an algorithm for formation and quality assessment of learning groups in e-learning scenarios using n-dimensional quality criteria. In A. Breitner & C. Rensing (Eds.), Proceedings of the DeLFI 2013: the 11th e-learning conference on informatics of the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (pp. 71-82). Köllen.

Konert, J., Gerwien, N., Göbel, S., & Steinmetz, R. (2013).
Bringing Game Achievements and Community Achievements Together. Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Game Based Learning (ECGBL) 2013, 1, 319-328.

Konert, J., Göbel, S., & Steinmetz, R. (2012).
Towards a social game interaction taxonomy. In S. Göbel & J. Wiemeyer (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Serious Games (GameDays) in conjunction with International Conference on E-Learning and Games (Edutainment) (LNCS 7516, pp. 99-110). Springer. link.

Richter, K., Konert, J., Bruder, R., & Göbel, S. (2012).
Formative assessment through peer review? A peer-based diagnostic and learning environment for mathematics education. In N. Apostolopoulos, U. Mußmann, W. Coy, & A. Schwill (Eds.), Proceedings of the GMLL 2012: Basic issues in multimedia teaching and learning (Vol. 1, Issue 10, pp. 316-329). Waxmann Verlag GmbH. www.

Konert, J., Richter, K., Mehm, F., Göbel, S., Bruder, R., & Steinmetz, R. (2012).
PEDALE - A Peer Education Diagnostic and Learning Environment. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 15(4), 27-38.

Mehm, F., Konert, J., Göbel, S., & Steinmetz, R. (2012).
An Authoring Tool for Adaptive Digital Educational Games. Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning 21st Century Learning for 21st Century Skills, 236-249.

Konert, J., Göbel, S., & Steinmetz, R. (2012).
Towards social serious games. In T. Connolly, P. Felicia, G. Neville, & S. Tabirca (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL). Academic Bookshop.

Richter, K., Bruder, R., Konert, J., Göbel, S., Steinmetz, R., Bruder, R., Göbel, S., & Steinmetz, R. (2012).
Supervising Knowledge Sharing in the Classroom: Supporting Teachers' Individual Diagnosis and Instruction in a Peer Education Scenario. Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 503-505. doi. org/10.1109/ICALT.2012.85

Konert, J., Göbel, S., & Steinmetz, R. (2011).
Making Social Serious Games: Enabling Knowledge Exchange with a Peer Education approach. In V. R. (Editors) Ben Kirman, Staffan Björk, Sebastian Deterding, Janne Paavilainen (Ed.), Proceedings of the Social Game Studies Workshop. ACM SIGCHI.

Konert, J., Richter, K., Göbel, S., Steinmetz, R., & Bruder, R. (2011).
Supporting peer learning with ad-hoc communities. In C. S. Guido Rößling, Thomas L. Naps (Ed.), Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE 2011) (pp. 4503-4503). ACM Association for Computing Machinery.

Richter, K., Konert, J., Bruder, R., Göbel, S., & Steinmetz, R. (2011).
Bridging Diagnosis and Learning for Mathematics Education in Classroom Settings. In L. M. Edward Tse, Johannes Schöning, Yvonne Rogers, Jochen Huber, Max Mühlhäuser (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on UI Technologies and their Impact on Educational Pedagogy (pp. 108-111). DFKI. www.

Konert, J., Göbel, S., & Steinmetz, R. (2011).
Using Weak-Ties for Problem Solving: Methodical Knowledge Exchange in Social Networks. Collection of INSNA Sunbelt Conference Presentations (Abstracts), 197. www.

Konert, J., Wendel, V., Göbel, S., & Steinmetz, R. (2011).
Towards an Analysis of Cooperative Learning-Behaviour in Social Dilemma Games. Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2011), 329-332. www.

Konert, J., Richter, K., Göbel, S., Bruder, R., Richter, K., Bruder, R., Göbel, S., & Bruder, R. (2011).
Knowledge Sharing in the Classroom - A Social Network Approach for Diagnostic Assessment and learning together. Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 350-354. doi. org/10.1109/ICALT.2011.109


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