MINT Lab Days

Twice a year, the university's laboratories open their doors for a week to introduce school classes of all school types to the fascination of STEM in one-day workshops. The departments of Hochschle Fulda: Applied Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Food Technology, Oecotrophology and Health Sciences offer workshops.

We are particularly pleased about the workshops of our cooperation partners: Bürgerdialog Stromnetz, Chemikum Marburg, Hans-Nüchter-Sternwarte, Haus der kleinen Forscher (VHS Landkreis Fulda), Kindertreff Zitrone, Kinder-Akademie Fulda, Kinder- und Jugendabteilung der Hochschul- und Landesbibliothek, Kulturzentrum Fulda e.V., Menschen und Medien e.V., oLaF, Umweltzentrum Fulda and Vonderau Museum.

More than 1,600 pupils took part in the lab days in spring 2023 - a great success for STEM in the region! The programme for the next MINT Lab Days from 25 September to 6 October can be found here. Registrations are possible from 1 June.

Ablauf Workshops
Programm Herbst 2024

Sandra Blum

Project coordination

Sabine Fromm

Project assistance