
ModuleCourse (Taught in English) 6 ECTS
BusinessInternational Management in an Inter-Cultural Environment 
Global Health/ SustainabilityMigration, Development and Sustainability
German Culture & SocietyWas ist Deutschland? German Culture in an Intercultural Context

Depending on your main area of interest, you can choose either the ‘Business’, ‘Sustainability’ or ‘German Culture & Society’ module. Courses take place at the same time, i.e. you must choose one course. Each module is automatically supplemented by the German language course. Here you can find a detailed programme overview for the ISU 2025.

At ISU 25, you will receive up to 12 credit points in accordance with the European Credit Point Transfer System (ECTS):

Module: 6 ECTS
German Course: 4 ECTS
Optional Intercultural Workshop: 2 ECTS

Name: German A. Zarate-Hoyos, Ph.D.

The syllabus can be found here.

The characteristic elements that constitute economic globalization are cross-border flows of goods and services, capital, people, and ideas. Understanding the nature of these flows and the urgent need to cope with them is essential to becoming global students and global managers. The impacts of these trends are more obvious in emerging markets where major corporations and even smaller companies have become more interconnected; therefore, trends in emerging markets will provide the context for our study. Successful managers will need to operate in competitive and diverse international settings. In such competitive environments, managers must develop the knowledge and skills needed to understand the global trends and the context in which firms compete to operate effectively in an increasing inter-cultural environment. These skills are necessary for managers operating abroad or at home because both will most likely have to manage an increasing level of workforce diversity in local as well as in global organizations. Students will read articles and case studies to understand globalization and the major cross-border flows associated with it through case studies while also discussing specific topics such as ethics, culture, diversity, and cross-cultural communication.

Name: Dr. Sascha Krannich

The syllabus will be updated soon.

This course deals with topics of migration, development, and sustainability. Seminar participants will get an introduction into basic terms, theories, and empirical findings in the frame of the interconnections of migration, development, and sustainability. Here, we will discuss and analyze current trends of global migration, transnational forms of migrant activities as well as central indicators of human development and its sustainability in countries of origin, and how these movements fit into the framework of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. For this purpose, we will look at different international actors above and below the state level. These include international organizations and institutions (IOM, ILO, UNHCR etc.) as well as economic and civic actors, such as migrant organizations. The course also includes a three-day simulation game from the field of international development cooperation, and several field trips to relevant institutions and cities in Germany, including Berlin and Weimar.

If you already want to inform yourself about relevant issues of the course, feel free to have a look at these links:

Dr. Cynthia Chalupa

The syllabus will be updated soon.

This seminar is designed to introduce students at all levels of German proficiency to German history and culture from 1871 to the present. The course is centered on questions of German identity as they are addressed in art, literature, film, and historical texts created during the historical period studied. Students will also examine issues of prejudice, stereotypes, and the challenges of intercultural communication. The course will allow students to develop intercultural communication skills through discussions about history, art, and literature and through creative writing activities. Students will also explore culture firsthand through academic excursions both locally and in Berlin that focused on experiential learning.
Students will read texts that explore the meaning of German identity and the history of Germany (both divided and united). The course examines the question "Was ist Deutschland?" Through readings and written assignments, students will attempt to formulate an answer that has both public and personal relevance. Class time will be devoted primarily to the discussion of reading assignments to which students will respond individually, in small groups, and together as a class.

The second part of the programme are the German language courses, offered on different levels.

German is a fascinating language and enables you to talk to people in Germany and Austria as well as in parts of Switzerland, Italy, France and Belgium. There are also many people in Eastern Europe who are speaking German as a foreign language.

German language courses accompany the seminar programme. ISU Fulda offers German language courses on five levels according to the Common European Frame of Reference (CEFR):

Basic Level 1 (A1 CEFR)Beginners with no knowledge of German
Basic Level 2 (A2 CEFR)Students with little knowledge of German
Intermediate Level 1 (B1 CEFR)Students with a basic knowledge of German
Intermediate Level 2 (B2 CEFR)Students with a good basic knowledge of German
Advanced Level (C1 CEFR)Students who can speak and write German fluently

The programme fee covers one language course at your level including all course materials.


Collet Wanjugu Döppner



This workshop is an optional part of the programme and is aimed at all participants.
It aims to prepare you thoroughly for intercultural challenges and to improve your cultural sensitivity.

Workshops meet once a week for approx. 2 hours. The course fee covers participation in up to four workshops of your choice. Some workshops require prior sign-up and the number of participants is limited.

At ISU 25 we offer the following workshops and cultural programme:

  • Dancing Workshop

  • Canoeing

  • Volleyball

Culture and Leisure
A diverse cultural programme with festive events, city tours, leisure activities and movie nights rounds off the ISU programme. The cultural programme is to a large part included in the course fee. Enjoy!

On the weekends and during the week we invite you to learn more about German and European culture - past and present - while enjoying a day out with your friends. We will explore the German capital Berlin and other important historical and cultural cities in Germany, including Würzburg, Nuremberg, Munich, Frankfurt and the Rhön. Some of the field trips are covered in the programme, while others cost an extra fee.

Point Alpha (included in the programme fee), July 16, 2025:

The Point Alpha Memorial is an authentic scene of the Cold War and a unique testimony to four decades of contemporary history.

Würzburg(additional fee: 50€), July 23, 2025:

Visit one of the most beautiful city of Bavaria! Enjoy and explore 18th century Residence Palace known for unique baroque and rococo architecture.

Weekend excursions (for an additional fee):

  • Munich (additional fee: 250€ - €50 per day), July 25-27, 2025
  • Nürnberg (additional fee: 50€), July 25, 2025
  • Frankfurt (additional fee: 50€), July 26, 2025

Berlin(included in the programme fee), July 18-20, 2025:
Visit the capital of Germany! Berlin is not only the political capital of Germany, but also the historical and cultural centre of Germany. We will have a city tour, see the famous remains of the Berlin wall, visit the German Bundestag (lower chamber) at the Reichstag building, the Holocaust Memorial, etc. We will have plenty of time to go shopping or just enjoy day and night life in Berlin! Single rooms can be booked for an extra fee if reserved in advance.

Kreuzberg / Rhön mountains (included in the programme fee), July 30, 2025

Explore the beauty of Rhon Mountains, where you can experience tobogganing and have hiking tours in the mountains. 

Academic Director

Prof. Dr.

Uwe Hunger

isu.academicdirector(at) +49 661 9640-455 (Sekreteriat)

Programme Coordinator

Judith Tornier

Judith Tornier Coordinator

International Summer University and International Winter University