
How to apply correctly

If you want to do an internship abroad, many questions arise: How do you find the right internship? How do you apply? How do you plan and finance your stay? We have compiled the most important information for you.

Cover letter

  • Briefly introduce yourself and state in which area of the company you are looking for an internship.
  • List some core competences.
  • Explain why you are applying for an internship in this company and what contribution you can make to the company.
  • State the planned start date and duration of the internship.
  • Try to limit the cover letter to one page - this is strongly recommended for some countries.
  • If possible, address the cover letter to a person who is responsible for internships in the company. If you cannot find the person in charge, you can also send the letter to the company's HR department.
  • Find out about country-specific customs that you should take into account when writing the letter. Cover letters also have different and sometimes several names in the countries concerned.

Tips for an English-language cover letter: http: //


  • Keep the CV short and clear, usually a tabular CV is sufficient.
  • Important components: Personal details and previous educational background, qualifications and skills (language skills, academic achievements, internships you have already completed, voluntary activities).
  • Whether or not to include a photo varies from country to country.

Job interview

  • Job interviews in a foreign language are not an everyday occurrence for most people. Prepare yourself linguistically and do not underestimate the technical vocabulary.
  • Find out the appropriate translations in the country concerned for the certificates, professional qualifications and subjects listed in your CV.
  • Be prepared to state your own competences and skills that you can bring to the company.
  • Ask questions about the company, work processes, etc.. This way you underline your knowledge and interest in the internship in the company.

A tip - The brochure Wege ins Auslandspraktikum (Paths to an Internship Abroad) from the DAAD is very helpful and is available at the International Office from Ms. Ossenkopp-Wetzig or can be found online at: Ways into an internship abroad

How to prepare your stay

If the framework conditions of the internship do not emerge from the contractual agreements made between you and the placement agency, conclude a separate internship contract with the company.
The contract should specify the duration of the internship, working hours, agreement on the places of employment in the company or on the type of activity, rights and obligations, termination modalities, etc.

Some placement and resource organisations offer housing placement services. In many cases, the company where you are doing the internship will also help you find a place to live.
For everyone else: There are international flat and room exchanges on the internet where local students offer accommodation in shared flats.

Allow enough time to apply for a visa. For a visa to the USA, for example, you must expect a waiting period of several months. Depending on the country and the duration of your stay, you will need a visa, a residence permit and a work permit. Find out about the current status of entry and residence regulations at the relevant country embassy( Entry and residence regulations often not only differ from country to country, but can also change rapidly in one and the same country.

Contact your health insurance company before you leave to find out about the conditions of the insurance cover. Is insurance cover via the German health insurance scheme guaranteed at all for the country in question? If so, what are the benefits? This way you can be sure that if the worst comes to the worst, you will save yourself, if not the pain, at least the hassle of the costs.
It is also advisable to have a preventive check-up, e.g. at the dentist, before you start your trip. In addition, there are recommendations for preventive health care in some countries. The German Foreign Office( or the travel medicine information service( will inform you about this.

There are different contact points depending on the destination region. You can find a detailed list of links here:








Costa Rica





Latin America

New Zealand

Eastern Europe


South Africa


Interdisciplinary / Subject-related



Dr. phil.

Carola Ossenkopp-Wetzig Overseas Coordinator

Student and Staff Mobility • Bilateral Agreements • QSL and PROMOS grants • Hessen-State-Cooperations

And what does Oana say about her internship abroad?

Oana Cristina Petre , Mexico, Department of Social and Cultural Sciences