Wir, das Digitalisierungsbüro, unterstützen die Hochschule bei der Durchführung von Digitalisierungsprojekten, welche wir übergreifend koordinieren. Wir bearbeiten Richtlinien und erläutern IT-Projektmethoden und Werkzeuge. Das Digitalisierungsbüro berät zur digitalen Weiterbildung aller Hochschulangehörigen.
Unser Ziel ist es, die Umsetzung von Digitalisierungsprojekten effektiv zu betreuen und eine hohe Nutzendenzufriedenheit durch eine übergeordnete und hochschulweite Sicht zu bieten.
The Digital Pact funds are used to support projects that go beyond the structures and measures that have already been passed in the further development of Hessian universities in the digital transformation. They supplement the financial resources that each university spends on digitalisation measures and information infrastructure during ongoing operations.
In addition to the Digital Pact projects, further digitisation projects are being implemented. These include those listed here. Further projects are currently under examination.
The digitalisation office discusses and defines project management tools and standards that will be available to all employees in the future and can be used within the projects.
In exchange with the divisions of the HFD and other universities in Hesse, tools and standards already in use as well as new methods are compared and assessed according to their suitability for use and adaptability for the university. It is planned to structure the tools according to the project phases in a "method matrix".