Digital skills

The central e-learning lab regularly offers training on the Moodle learning platform for all teachers as well as topic-centred further training with a focus on e-learning.

Our offer concentrates on the teaching of digital skills and focuses on digital services and tools used at Fulda University of Applied Sciences.

In cooperation with the University and State Library, we offer a broad range of internal continuing education courses based on the European competence framework modelDigComp 2.2.

The following diagram shows a competence-oriented overview of the offer and the respective responsibilities:


Overview of offers


Operating & Using + Producing & Presenting + Communicating & Cooperating

All of our basic training courses for Moodle, Panopto, Mahara and EvaExam fall under these areas of competence. Training

courses for the university-wide learning platform Moodle are currently offered on an ongoing basis for all teachers. No prior registration is necessary for the dates.

Basic training "Online course design"

Wednesdays from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m.

The basic training covers basic techniques for working with the learning platform, communicating with students and designing courses. No knowledge of the learning platform is assumed.

Dates for the topic-centred further training courses on Panopto, Mahara, EvaExam and Moodle can be found here.

Please note: unless stated otherwise, the language of instruction is German. This includes educational videos, texts, exercises and lectures as well as all other used content (e.g. links)


Digital teaching / media didactics + analysing & reflecting

The following topic-centred further training courses fall under these areas of competence:
"Didactic basics for online teaching"
"From face-to-face teaching to guided self-study - teaching videos in practice"
"Exchange of experience in online teaching (teachers' forum)"
"Teaching evaluation"
"Moodle - online learning checks and multiplechoice tests"

Training dates for the above topics can be found in the calendar. Not all training courses are currently available. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Digital Identity & Career Planning

A workshop is offered on this area of competence. Dates can be found in the calendar.


Digital Science + Digital Information & Research

This includes the continuing education courses offered by the University and State Library
Training courses and guided tours - HLB