Teaching support

The Office for Learning and Teaching offers many forms of teaching support: from recording your course to creating teaching materials and providing support for e-exams.
Another central component of our work is supporting you in making the best use of the Moodle learning platform and helpful tools such as the Mahara e-portfolio system, the BigBlueButton video conferencing system and the Panopto video platform.

E-Learning Lab

In the central e-learning lab you will find the right contact person for every type of teaching support.

On the subject
Overview of digital tools

Here you will find an overview of digital tools for teaching that are in use at Fulda University of Applied Sciences.

On the subject
Handouts for online teaching materials

You can find further information on preparing your teaching materials in these handouts.

On the subject
Media technology

The diverse tasks in the design and production of media for e-learning activities at the university require a corresponding…

On the subject
Panopto help

With Panopto you can upload and manage all the videos you want to use in your teaching.

On the subject

BigBlueButton is a privacy-compliant video conferencing system that can be easily integrated into your teaching.

On the subject
Plagiarism check for teaching staff

Would you like to carry out a plagiarism check or check your students' submissions? Here you can find out where to find…

On the subject
Handouts for online teaching materials

You can find further information on preparing your teaching materials in these handouts.

On the subject
Learning platform

In addition to the Moodle learning platforms of the departments, we also manage the central e-learning platform HELP.

On the subject
Media production

We are happy to support you in the creation of teaching films, course recordings or other teaching materials.

On the subject

TaskCards can be used to create digital pinboards, maps and whiteboards.

On the subject

We offer technical and didactic assistance in the creation, implementation and evaluation of e-examinations.

On the subject

With the e-portfolio system Mahara, e-portfolios of various kinds can be created.

On the subject