Student support

The individual support of students is important to the university and a number of offers are made available to students for this purpose. In addition, concepts are being developed to dovetail the central student support services with subject-specific learning in the individual degree programmes.

Mentoring offers support students at the start of their studies and accompany them to a successful degree. On this page you will find a compilation of the mentoring offers at Fulda University of Applied Sciences.

about mentoring

The department Qualification Tutorial Assistance offers basic and advanced courses for face-to-face and E-tutorial assistants as well as training for teaching staff. Constructive handling of conflicts, E-learning, peer learning, learning through teaching and moderation are practised.

for qualification in tutorial work

In order to promote a writing culture that can inspire and support students in many ways to achieve these goals, the Writing lab offers courses for both students and teachers. In doing so, it wants to contribute to stimulating the exchange about academic writing among students and teachers.

to the Writing Lab

The promotion of self-study aims to support students in the further development of their self-learning and self-organisation skills. The Self-Study Centre can be used by students as a central point of contact for this purpose. It offers rooms for studying alone or in groups, as well as advisory services and a suitable range of workshops on topics related to learning.

for the promotion of self-study

This section contains a matrix designed to help you make the right decision when making the transition from school to university studies.

to the matrix
Appointment calendar


Debora Ramona Rieser

Promotion of Self-Study and Qualification Tutorial Assistance

Ansprechpartnerin Schreibwerkstatt

Amata Schneider-Ludorff

Writing Lab