Regional inclusive movement, sport, health and leisure offers

From 2018-2022, implementation project IV was part of the innovation focus B "Social innovation as a prerequisite for quality of life and health" in the Regional Innovation Centre Health and Quality of Life Fulda (RIGL-Fulda).

Not all physical activity, sports, health and leisure activities are open to people with disabilities or chronic illnesses. The barriers can be manifold: personnel as well as organisational or technical framework conditions can make participation in offers difficult or prevent it.
In an exchange with regional stakeholders, findings already gained on the current inclusion orientation of the offers in the region, participation opportunities and limits for people with impairments and disabilities as well as the need for further development are evaluated.

The Department of University Sport, in cooperation with the Department of Social Work, is implementing the project for the Fulda region in collaboration with 17 regional and supra-regional partners.

Studies conducted at Fulda University of Applied Sciences indicate that participation in exercise, sport, health and leisure activities - also for people with impairments - is an essential component of quality of life. University sport can act as a regional interface and mediate between inclusion research and organised sport in a region where inclusion sport is weak. The inclusive movement, sport, health and leisure opportunities in the Fulda region are to be optimised by using this interface function within the framework of the implementation project.

The core of the project is the participatory development and expansion of an inclusive physical activity offer in the region. For this purpose, multiple awareness-raising, training and support concepts for potential decision-makers and providers are developed and implemented. In order to draw attention to the project throughout Hesse, supra-regional events are used.

Findings already gained on the current inclusion orientation within the framework of municipal, commercial and civil society offers in the region, participation opportunities and limits for people with impairments and disabilities as well as the need for further development will be evaluated in an exchange with regional stakeholders, such as the Hessian Association of Sports for the Disabled and Rehabilitation, the interest group barrier-free Fulda and the antonius Netzwerk Mensch. Based on this, print and digital media offers are being developed that provide information about regional offers for inclusive exercise, sport, health and leisure opportunities. A "buddy pool" with volunteers who support and accompany people with disabilities in their search for suitable exercise, sports, leisure and health opportunities will be established.

RinkA at the sports badge tour stop in Hünfeld - 15.07.2022

Podcast workshop with "antonius" successfully launched - 12.07.2022

RinkA at the University Square: "Listen, feel, marvel - come to rest with all your senses" - 30.04.2022

"FahrRad-Semster" of the university started with the support of RIGL -12.04.2022

Through and with Podclusion together to a healthy coexistence! - RinkA wins the DAK competition - 08.04.2022

24 doors to listen to - preparations for the Rhön listening calendar started - 08.03.2022

Promoting physical activity through gamification even in times of pandemic - 24.11.2021

Team from "antonius : gemeinsam Mensch" advises students on podcast content - 18.11.2021

Transfer of practical knowledge to the university - Matthias Feuerstein introduces students to the podcast "edutalk" - 11.11.2021

Opportunity for digital participation through health podcasts in plain language - 2nd congress of participation research - 16.09.2021

"Podclusion" gets (many) moving - Insights into the creation of the RinkA podcast- 28.08.2021

RinkA supports club manager training of the Landessportbund Hessen -25.06.2021

"Get off the sofa - get on the track" - Action alliance with RinkA launches "Sport badge to go" - 17.06.2021

Four start-up entrepreneurs, one common goal - Digital ideas camp on (more) sustainability in gastronomy, food production and lifestyle - 16.06.2021

Play, sport and exercise despite diabetes type 2? - Advanced training for HBRS exercise instructors - 12.03.2021

"Success welds together"- Dr. Thomas Prokein and Ines Prokein in dialogue with students of the Social Work Department of Fulda University of Applied Sciences - 10.12.2020

Hanns-Uwe Theele in expert discussion with students and the RinkA project - 05.11.2020

RinkA translates DOSB guidelines into easy-to-understand language - 03.07.2020

"If you are on fire for something, you will love your work" - Social work in the field of music - expert discussion with Silke Knoll - 02.07.2020

Digital live movement breaks with RinkA at Antonius Netzwerk Mensch - 04.06.2020

Signpost for digital sports offers "My club digital - we come to your home" - 15.04.2020

RinkA cooperates in the field of health education through gamification - 08.04.2020

RinkA researches fairness at children's university - 04.03.2020

Sports & Inclusion Day in Frankfurt - 02.02.2020

Introduction to Easy Language at "Miteinander Füreinander - Oberes Fuldatal e.V." - 30.01.2020

Accessibility from the perspective of Hanns-Uwe Theele - 05.12.19

Health Day at Antoniushof with RinkA - 27.11.19

Students of the Department of Social Work experience Goalball - 31.10.19

RinkA partner Peter Oslizlo visits training of assistant trainers - 26.10.19

RinkA meets on the question "How can inclusion succeed in and through university sport?" - 23.10.-24.10.19

Dancing in rehabilitation sport - further training for trainers at Fulda University of Applied Sciences - 28.09.19

City of Fulda invites to the 1st networking meeting on inclusion - 18.09.19

New sports badge examiners trained for the region - 21.09.2019

RinkA networks at the Hessian Sports Teachers' Day in Grünberg 2019 - 07.08.2019

Fulda University of Applied Sciences wins two prizes at "Stadtradeln 2019" - 05.08.2019

Honour for the inclusion sports group at TSV Hilders - 21.07.2019

Diversity at the sports event day in Margretenhaun - 26.06.2019

Innovative pilot project: Fit with prevention sport / health sport in sports clubs - 29.06.2019

Strengthening health resources at the Sport Event Day in Kalbach - 19.06.2019

Fair play and awareness-raising at the Fulda Cup 2019 - 15.06.2019

RinkA with Tan Caglar at the Kolpinghaus - 13.05.2019

Social interactions at the sports event day at Bonifatiusschule Fulda - 29.05.2019

Hohe Rhön middle school experiences inclusive togetherness - 15.05.2019

Fulda mach mit - RinkA joined in - 11.05.2019

RinkA partner TSV Hilders receives sports badge material box from the Landessportbund Hessen - 09.05.2019

3rd inclusive sports info day at Fulda University of Applied Sciences - 08.05.2019

Guest lecture at Leibniz University Hanover - 29.04.2019

Annual meeting of the sports badge testers at RIGL-Fulda - 28.03.2019

Children's university: What does it actually mean to be disabled? - 13.03.2019

RinkA at the handbook training "Participation and Diversity" at the German Sport University Cologne - Cologne, 06. & 07.03.2019

Movement and creativity at the East Hessian Health Day 2019 - Fulda, 02.02.2019

RinkA supports at Inclusive Sports Badge Day - Fulda, 20.11.2018

Hearing "Inclusion in Sport" at the Sportjugend Hessen - Fulda, 19.11.2018

Sport and health - using opportunities and making them tangible - Fulda, 07.11.2018

Presentation of the Inclusive Movement Course - Wuppertal, 04.10.2018

Publication: Fit for inclusion! Everyone plays! - Fulda, 01.10.2018

Network meeting "Everyone on the move" - Hanover, 14 & 15.09.2018

Specialist day for educators and child day carers - Ronneburg, 11.09.2018

Hessian Sports Teachers' Day - Grünberg, 01.08.2018

Fulda Cup - Fulda, 12.06.2018

Special Olympics - Kiel, 16.05.2018

Inclusion Day "Fulda mach mit" - Fulda, 05.05.2018

Activities and projects

Logo Podklusion zwei Menschen mit Kopfhörer und Logo Leichte Sprache Mensch mit Buch
The RinkA Podcasts Podclusion

Here you can find information about the RinkA Podcasts Podklusion in Leichter Sprache.

Rhön Audio Calendar for Advent

In cooperation with "Miteinander-Füreinander Oberes Fuldatal", an audio calendar with 24 "Rhöner Platt" recordings is being produced.

Bild Sarah Heinisch, Tanja Czarnomski, Mareike Remmel bei der Preisverleihung
Inclusion Award of the City of Fulda for RinkA

RinkA is awarded for promoting inclusion through podcasts.


Personen schauen auf eine Pinnwand im Freien
Participatory course

Together with co-researchers, students are investigating the city of Fulda in terms of accessibility.

Gruppenbild mit Personen des Programmes Buddies für Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen
Buddies for people with disabilities

Student project workshop of the Department of Social Work on inclusion in the field of movement and leisure.

Wasserfarbenbild mit zwei bunten Händen, zwischen denen eine gelbe Sonne platziert ist.
RinkA Sport Event Days

Awareness-raising module on diversity and inclusion for students.

Our practical partners

Allgemeiner Deutscher Hochschulsportverband e.V.
Caritas Werkstätten Fulda
Deutscher Alpenverein Sektion Fulda e.V.
Herzkinder Fulda e.V.
Hessischer Behinderten- und Rehabilitationssportverband e.V.
Interessengemeinschaft barrierefreies Fulda e.V.
Landessportbund Hessen e.V.
Lutz Meissner - Practice for Physiotherapy
Play-Parc Allwetter-Freizeitanlagenbau GmbH
Dr. med. Jannos Siaplaouras, specialist for paediatrics and adolescent medicine
Special Olympics Hessen e.V.
Sportkreis Fulda Hünfeld
St. Antonius gGmbH
Stadt Fulda, Schul- und Sportamt Stadt Fulda
Volkshochschule des Landkreises Fulda
TSV 1919 Hilders e.V.

Our team

Scientific management:
Prof. Dr. Markus Schäfers, Faculty of Social Sciences

Head of University Sports:
Dr. Jan Ries

Coordinating staff:
Sarah Heinisch until 30.09.2022
Ute Weber until 31.12.2022

Your contact