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Hochschule Fulda

Completed projects

The HFD research network at HOLM has been researching a wide variety of logistics challenges since 2014. The completed projects presented below give an insight into the topics that the research network has already dealt with.

AR-WAY: Innovatives Augmented Reality

Erforschung holografischer Wegweisungssysteme

Zum Thema
Self-Reliance in Refugee Camps - Migration Logistics

Individual groups of people have always moved from area to area. Mostly this happens because of emergencies: Water shortage, lack…

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Logistics in Sub-Saharan Africa

The University of Bremen, together with the Fulda University of Applied Sciences, the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences and…

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Within the framework of the project, a procedure model and a set of methods are being developed with which risk analyses of…

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Best practice approaches in risk management for critical infrastructures in logistics

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Together with four Hessian general cargo forwarders, the electromobility working group at Fulda University of Applied Sciences…

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Logistics Atlas Hesse

The Logistics Atlas Hessen identifies, records and links logistics data and data sources in Hessen. In a first project,…

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Augmented reality - AR for short - is also known as pick-by-vision in logistics and is one of the promising technologies of the…

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