Short Night 2013

Short night of unfinished chores 2013!

Despite tropical-like, hot and humid summer temperatures, the Writing Workshop team welcomed over 60 students to Hall 8 for the first Night of Unfinished Papers. Some even arrived at the good-humoured check-in desk shortly before the official starting time of 5 pm, but newcomers joined them even after 10 pm.

About seven to twenty students took part in each of the workshops offered by the writing workshop team at hourly intervals. Some fans even came to every single workshop offered, while other students worked intensively on their own projects all night. From 8 p.m. onwards, participants took a moving break every now and then with the relaxation and loosening-up exercises offered by Jenny Dreher and Anikó Szemes.

Next semester again!

The tenor of the participants was: "It's great that you offer this. There was also a lot of positive feedback for the drinks and small snacks offered by Café Chaos, from watermelon writing to the sultana buns and pretzels donated by the Storch bakery.

One feedback sheet summed up: "Was great! Please next semester again, maybe even twice and longer of the time!" Already let it be revealed: We plan to offer the night again at the end of the winter semester -- and as a real "long" night, which will then last all night long.

The main point of criticism, however, was the space. Despite ventilation, Hall 8 heated up considerably over time, and since there was only one room available, the noise level created by the writing consultations and group work offered was quite disturbing at times.

We thank you!

The fact that the night was a success was mainly due to the many committed participants who came and, in some cases, stayed involved until the end of the final round at half past midnight.



We would also like to thank ...

  • the AStA for the partial financing
  • Bäckerei Storch for their kind support with donations of pastries
  • the Café Chaos team for their help with advertising and for organising the catering
  • Thomas Hossner and Christian Böhm from the IT department of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Sciences and Simon Post for their technical support
  • Edith Hansford and Christopher Hahn from Building Management
  • the Financial Management of Fulda University of Applied Sciences for their support in financing snacks and drinks
  • everyone who encouraged and supported the idea!
What participants said

Praise: More of it!

  • "Was great! Please next semester again, maybe even twice and longer of the time!"
  • "Great idea! Will be happy to…