International students of the Fulda University of Applied Sciences

Apply with international transcripts of records

Apply now
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Hochschule Fulda

This is how it works

Apply in just a few steps

Apply in just a few steps

  1. register in the respective application portal.
  2. you will then receive an email in which you must confirm your email address.
  3. choose the following points in the respective application portal
    1. Semester
    2. Degree of the desired university studies
    3. Study programme
  4.  answer the questions about your previous degree and any study requirements (e.g. language skills, etc.)
  5. upload your application documents and confirm that your details are correct and complete.
  6. for applications with international transcripts of records, finalise your application by paying the processing costs for the examination of the documents by uni-assist.

For study programmes with open admission, you will receive a place directly and can enrol. Applications for study programmes with admission requirements will be checked first.

Directly to the application

Sufficiently informed?
Then start your application.

Apply now

For questions

If you have any questions or difficulties in the application process, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Student Administration

Apply with international transcripts of records

Applicants who have a foreign higher education entrance qualification (Attestat, Baccalauréat, Lise Diplomasi, International Baccalaureate, Swiadectwo ukonczenia etc.) and/or a foreign first degree must apply via uni-assist - regardless of their nationality:

Depending on the degree you are aiming for, different exceptions, application deadlines etc. apply. Therefore, please read the following degree-specific information carefully before applying.

If you are not sure whether your school-leaving qualification is recognised in Germany or whether you have a direct or indirect university entrance qualification, please take a look at the admissions databaseof the DAAD.

  1. Register in the My assist online portal.
  2. Enter your applicant details and educational history.
  3. Choose the university and your desired degree programme under Semester offers .
  4. Chooseyour desired degree programme. Make sure that you answer all questions in the application carefully.
  5. Pay the processing costs* incurred for the examination of your documents
  6. Upload each document only once. Name the documents clearly in German or English. Please note: Only pdf files with a maximum size of 10 MB can be uploaded.

All application documents will be accepted by uni-assist as a scan and do not need to be sent there by post.

* Costs for the first study programme: 75.00 EUR/ For each additional study programme: 30.00 EUR.
You can find more information on the uni-assist website, e.g. about payment option


Two students matriculate on the computer


For enrolment (matriculation) at Fulda University of Applied Sciences, it is important that you submit certain documents and observe deadlines. The exact procedure can be found in the following details:



Withdrawal from enrolment

Please exchange

Your contact to the Student Administration

You can reach the Application and Enrolment Service at the Student Administration by email:


You can reach our call centre by telephone on +49 661 9640-1420.