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Reserving and ordering

Reserving and ordering media

How can I order library items?

If library items have an "Order" link in the FILIP search portal, you can order them using your library card number and password. Please choose a pick-up location if necessary. It is not necessary to place an order for open stacks (usually with location display). You can also pick them up directly from the shelf.

Your orders will be made available for you to borrow from the respective reservation shelf via the self-check terminal.

If you have provided your email address, you will receive a message as soon as the ordered item is ready for you. You can collect your ordered library items within seven days.

How does reserving library items on loan work?

If library items have been borrowed by others, you can reserve them for yourself in the FILIP search portal via the "Reserve" link.

  • The item you wish to reserve will be displayed in the reserve screen with the return date and the number of other reservations that may already exist.
  • Now enter your library card number and password, choose a pick-up location if necessary and click the "Order/reserve here" button.
  • You can reserve a maximum of 10 library items.
  • If you have entered your email address, you will receive a message as soon as the reserved item has arrived.
    You can also see in your account on the FILIP search portal whether an item you have reserved has arrived. This medium is then listed under "Reservations/Orders" with the note "Status of reservation: Reservation shelf".
  • The medium will be held for you on the reservation shelf for seven days.