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Data Repository FulDat

FulDat - Fulda data repository

FulDat is - as part of the HeFDI co-operation - a separate area (‘community’) within TUdatalib, the institutional repository of TU Darmstadt. FulDat can be used for archiving and, if necessary, publishing research data.

Access is possible via the direct link to FulDat or the TUdatalib homepage. There, Fulda users can navigate to the ‘Fulda University of Applied Sciences’ section. The eight departments of Fulda University of Applied Sciences are sub-sections, each with a general collection. Further collections can be created on request - please use the contact form or contact the local administrators (forschungsdaten@hlb.hs-fulda.de).

Researchers at HS Fulda have access to the system with their university account (fd number) and are automatically assigned to their department. Data sets - descriptive metadata and any number of files - can be uploaded within a collection.

Options for visibility of datasets:
Data freely available on the web (Open Access)can be configured by users - step 4) in the data submission workflow
Publish metadata only- Configuration by administrator for submitted dataset
- Potential subsequent users learn of the existence of the dataset and can request data (contact then via HLB Fulda).
- Free access to individual files (e.g. only the readme file of a dataset) is possible, activation also by administrator.
No publication, only long-term storageAccess rights as for higher-level collection.
In general collections of a department, unpublished data sets are also visible to all members; alternatively, users can request their own collections.

Research data repositories are places to store data for the long term and to share it (freely or possibly restricted) with others. As such, they are also a repository for re-use of existing data. Repositories are generic (data from all disciplines), institutional or discipline-specific.
Discipline-specific repositories offer more opportunities (but also obligations) to document data according to the requirements of the discipline. In addition, the chances increase that data sets will be found by potentially interested colleagues and possibly reused.

The project re3data.org (REgistry of REsearch data REpositories) currently (Juli 2024) lists over 3200 repositories worldwide and offers various search functions for finding a suitable repository.

The visibility of data and metadata in datasets is initially based on the rights of the parent collection, rights can then be extended (restrictions deleted) - thus a collection with restricted access overall can contain freely published datasets. We therefore recommend restrictive rights, if necessary, for collections that may perspectively have several datasets with differently defined access rights.

Option "publish metadata only":
In the context of a data request, potential re-users must provide their name and email address and can justify their interest. Requests are answered by the HLB Fulda in consultation with the authors of the dataset. Authors can also provide their own contact details in the description of the dataset.
Free access to individual files is possible. In the case of extensive partial publication (e.g. 25 of 80 files), we recommend submitting two separate data sets.

DOI allocation
Allocation of a DOI requires at least publication of the metadata. Even before publication, a reserved DOI is automatically created in the system. This can already be communicated to publishers, for example, but is only registered and activated after publication.

General collection of the department

  • Direct access after logging in to TUdatalib.
  • This means that unpublished data is also visible to all users in the same department.

"Own" collection

  • On request to the Research Data Team
  • Users themselves decide who has (read and, if applicable, write) access to the collection
  • Increased visibility and "group identity" in the repository
  • E.g. for professorships, subject areas, projects, doctoral theses, ....
  • Information needed: Title of the collection, possibly descriptive text, desired access rights (persons mentioned must log in to TUdatalib at least once beforehand).
Thomas Richter


Thomas Richter

Further information

Photo: Hochschule Fulda - TUdatalib