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For daycare centers and school classes

For daycare centres and school classes

The library offers introductory courses on how to use the library for children and young people of all ages.

All training courses are customised to your desired topics and content and taught in an age-appropriate manner.

Dates are arranged on an individual basis.
If you would like to come with a group without attending an introduction, please also make an appointment.

Duration: approx. 45 to 90 minutes (by arrangement, including time to browse afterwards)

The very little ones get to know the library in a playful way on a child-orientated tour. This can be themed on request and is always combined with a picture book cinema.

Groups of pre-school children can take the library certificate with us. During three visits, they learn how to handle books, how to borrow them and what it's like in a library.
There is also a story to hear and see.

For primary school children, we offer an age-appropriate introduction to using the library. Various library items and loans are presented. Guided Tours are combined with a picture book cinema or a search game at the supervising teacher's discretion.

The pupils get to know the Children and Young Adults Department at the Heinrich-von-Bibra-Platz location. They are given an overview of the different types of media, the lending conditions and the FILIP search portal. We are happy to discuss topics relevant to the class.

Using a tablet-based library rally, the pupils get to know the library at Heinrich-von-Bibra-Platz location with its wide range of non-fiction literature. In addition to orientation in the library and an introduction to the non-fiction shelving system, a focus is the FILIP search portal. The students are introduced to various research options and learn more about loans and using the library.

Guided tours for schoolchildren are possible at both locations, depending on the desired specialisation!

For library newcomers, we offer the "BiblioTour" at the Campus location. In this interactive library rally, students can familiarise themselves with the library's premises and research options.

We start at Heinrich-von-Bibra-Platz location with a tablet-based library rally to explore the library and then introduce the FILIP search portal with its research options and other digital offers from the HLB.

However, we are also happy to organise (themed) guided tours and research training courses according to your individual wishes.

campus location

Meeting point: At the lockers in the entrance area

Contact: Training team at the Campus location

Location Heinrich-von-Bibra-Platz

Meeting point: Service desk

Contact: Training team at the Heinrich-von-Bibra-Platz location


Schulungsteam Campus

schulungsteam-c(at)hlb.hs-fulda.de +49 661 9640-9821/-9822


Schulungsteam Heinrich-von-Bibra-Platz

(This site is only available in german.)