Literature search and databases
Do you want to find literature for your seminar, study, project or thesis quickly and efficiently and are not (yet) able to find your way through the "information jungle"?
Then we can help you!
In our training course, we familiarise you with the basics of literature search and use examples to show you how to search systematically in FILIP and in databases.
The training is available to individuals and groups as well as seminars and classes.
Dates for this training are offered on a regular basis. Individual dates can be arranged by appointment. This training is available in both face-to-face and online format.
Duration: approx. 90 min. or by arrangement
In addition to the training course, you can make appointments with us for research consultations. Here we will answer your specific questions about literature search and will be happy to help you with your search work.
Appointments for research consultations are only made by individual arrangement.
Duration: approx. 60 min.
Students and staff of Fulda University of Applied Sciences can also use our research tutorials on the HELP learning platform (in german).