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The historical stocks of the HLB include 241 certificates, united under the shelfmark group >Urkunde lfd. Nr.<

However, copies and inserts are also included there, so that the term "certificate" is not quite correct, but the inventory group remains in the current tradition. In 1959, Rudolf Werneburg compiled an "Index of the certificates of the Fulda State Library" and published it in the Fuldaer Geschichtsblätter. The sometimes incorrect or missing information was neither corrected nor supplemented for decades.

A joint DFG project at the HLB with the Fulda City Archives, the library of the Fulda Seminary under the direction of the Marburg State Archives made it possible to create an index that meets academic standards in combination with the digitisation of all items, and you can now find all the certificates of the HLB in FulDig.


Nadine Hecht


Nadine Hecht

rara(at)hlb.hs-fulda.de +49 661 9640-9844