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Hutten Collection

Hutten Collection

The "Hutten Collection" at the HLB is probably the most extensive library stock in Germany of works by and about Ulrich von Hutten.
The Imperial Knight Ulrich von Hutten, a well-known German humanist and publicist, was born at Steckelberg Castle near Schlüchtern (near Fulda) and was educated at the monastery school in Fulda until 1505.

History and development of the Hutten collection:

The basis of this Hutten collection is a private collection acquired in 1959, which includes many first prints from the 16th century. This so-called "Steinfeld Collection" comprised 88 prints of Hutten and the "Epistolae obscurorum virorum" ("Dark Men's Letters") from the 16th century, 30 portrait engravings from the 16th to 19th centuries and around 200 volumes of secondary literature. The collection, which is intended to be complete, will be supplemented as funds allow. It concentrates on Hutten's writings, the accounts of his life and work as well as the transcripts of records and accounts of his after-effects. The historical environment is only taken into account if there is a recognisable reference to Hutten.

Over the years, the collection has been expanded: most recently in 2002 by 32 16th century prints acquired from a private aristocratic library.

Today, the HLB has the third largest collection of 16th century prints in the world. Only the University of Strasbourg, which acquired the Hutten library of the jurist and philologist Eduard Böcking (1802 - 1870), the editor of the still authoritative academic Hutten Complete Edition, and the library of the British Museum own more Huttenica globally. In 2024, the Hutten collection comprised 641 titles. The entire collection is documented in FILIP.

The Hutten Collection is located at the Heinrich-von-Bibra-Platz location. The stocks are only available for use in the reading room after prior written registration.


Nadine Hecht


Nadine Hecht

rara(at)hlb.hs-fulda.de +49 661 9640-9844