Rhön academic collection
Specialised collection for sustainable regional development in the Rhön biosphere reserve
The Rhön Scientific Collection (WSR) collects and catalogues academic literature, specialist literature, regional literature and archival material at the campus location, especially on the UNESCO biosphere reserve Rhön since its founding phase in 1991, as well as older literature if it is relevant to the founding and development of the biosphere reserve.
The Rhön academic collection consists of a library and an archive collection.
Library stock
In addition to extensive "grey" literature, the WSR stock comprises mainly monographs, journals, articles and essays from academic journals and anthologies as well as electronic library items.
The borrowable part of the WSR stock is located on the shelves on the ground floor.
The part of the WSR library stock intended for reference use is located in the "Special Collections" room (2nd floor, room 221).
Archive holdings
The WSR archive holdings can only be searched via the online finding aids (see below). It is made up of archive materials from various provenances and passes mainly through records (selected project documentation, founding files, minutes, activity reports, resolutions, draft concepts, correspondence, etc.).
The WSR archive holdings are located at the campus location in the "Special Collections" room (2nd floor, room 221).
The online finding aids
- Online finding aid Brochures, calendar of events and other information material on the Rhön biosphere reserve and biosphere reserves in Germany 1991 - 1991
- Online finding aid LIFE-Nature in the Rhön biosphere reserve 1993 - 2001
- Online finding aid Ecosystem-based environmental monitoring in the UNESCO biosphere reserve Rhön 1997 - 2001
- Online finding aid Framework Concept Rhön Biosphere Reserve 1990 - 1994
- Online finding aid RWZ: Regional Centre for Research , Technology and Culture 1991 - 1999
- Online finding aid Schenkung Prof. Dr Erich Ott: Transport concept for the Rhön biosphere reserve, IG Rhönbahn, Fulda - Meiningen route, etc.