The Unit for Research Data Management is available to answer your questions, e.g. on the requirements of research funding agencies, data management plans or suitable subject-specific repositories. It would like to introduce you to exemplary concepts, encourage exchange and imitation.
Currently, the practice of research data management is still in development. There are no established routines and solutions that are easily transferable and only require local adaptation. Research data management is itself still an ongoing research process.
The concrete design of the services takes place in close cooperation with the scientists on site and is an essential prerequisite for sustainable research data management. The goal is to enable efficient and uncomplicated work with research data.
- Alliance Principles on the Handling of Research Data
- DFG guidelines on handling research data
- DFG Recommendation on Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice
- Guidelines on FAIR Data Management in Horizon 2020
- EC Guide on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Research Data in Horizon 2020 (updated August 25, 2016)
- WissGrid guidelines (incl. checklist) on research data management