
Early life, adiposity rebound, puberty

Early life, adiposity rebound, puberty: which nutrients, food groups, dietary or anthropometric patterns are critical for body fatness and the GH-IGF-axis in young adulthood?

It has been proposed that the growth-hormone insulin-like-growth factor 1 (GH-IGF-1) axis, body fatness and insulin resistance in adulthood can be programmed during sensitive periods of growth. Since these factors are linked to cancer development we analysed the relevance of six factors acting during early life, childhood or puberty for these outcomes in young adulthood.

  • Günther ALB , Schulze MB, Kroke A, Diethelm K, Joslowski G, Remer T, Wudy S, Buyken AE. Early diet and later cancer risk: Are dietary patterns during critical  periods of childhood associated with the GH-IGF axis, insulin resistance, and body fatness in younger adulthood? Nutr Cancer 2015; 67: 877-892
  • Cheng G, Bolzenius K, Joslowski G, Günther ALB, Kroke A, Heinrich J, Buyken AE.Velocities of weight, height and fat mass gain during potentially critical periods of growth are decisive for adult body composition. Eur J Clin Nutr 2015; 69: 262-268
  • Günther ALB, Walz H, Kroke A, Wudy SA, Riedel C, von Kries R, Joslowski G, Remer T, Cheng G, Buyken AE. Breastfeeding and its prospective association with components of the GH-IGF-Axis, insulin resistance and body adiposity measures in young adulthood--insights from linear and quantile regression analysis.PLoS One 2013; 8: e79436
  • Assmann KE, Joslowski G, Buyken AE, Cheng G, Remer T, Kroke A, Günther ALB. Prospective association of protein intake during puberty with body composition in young adulthood. Obesity (Silver Spring) 2013; 21: E782-E789
  • Joslowski G, Remer T, Assmann KE, Krupp D, Cheng G, Garnett SP, Kroke A, Wudy SA, Günther ALB, Buyken AE. Animal Protein Intakes during Early Life and Adolescence Differ in Their Relation to the Growth Hormone-Insulin-Like-Growth-Factor Axis in Young Adulthood. J Nutr 2013; 143: 1147-1154
  • Joslowski G, Goletzke J, Cheng G, Günther ALB, Bao J, Brand-Miller JC, Buyken AE. Prospective associations between dietary insulin demand, glycemic index, and glycemic load during puberty and body composition in young adulthood. Int J Obes 2012 36:1463-1471

Prof. Dr. habil.

Anja Kroke

Ernährungsepidemiologie • Präventionsstrategien

Project information

Project coordinator:
Dr. Anette Buyken, Forschungsinstitut für Kinderernährung (FKE) in cooperation with Hochschule Fulda
