Continuation of the virtual series of the Fulda Centre of Transnational Governance and the Jean Monnet Chair Project with Nicholas Khan, European…
Transnational Governance and Human Rights
Partnerships for the Internationalisation of Studies, Teaching and Research
What's the project about?
The project will expand the international network of the Department of Social and Cultural Sciences at Fulda University of Applied Sciences and establish long-lasting partnerships beyond the project’s end in 2024. For this purpose, the department successfully applied for a nearly one million euro grant from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) from its funding programme UAS.International (HAW.International).
The project enhances the cooperation between international partners from academia and practice in order to strengthen the internationalisation of studies, teaching, research, and doctoral studies. It aims to broaden and intensify the Department’s international ties and includes a wide range of measures such as promoting the exchange of students, teachers and PhD candidates, internationalisation of study programmes and installing a Fulda Centre of Transnational Governance to promote exchange between science and economy. The project includes four intertwined areas: studies, transfer, research as well as regionalisation/focus on world regions.
The project supports a variety of exchange programmes, activities and events with six selected partner universities worldwide. In addition to the internationalisation of studies and teaching, the project focuses on the development of an international research environment at Fulda University of Applied Sciences. Every year, the Fulda Graduate Centre of Social Sciences will invite renowned visiting professors from the partner institutions and organize international conferences and summer schools.
Key Data
Project Goals
News and Events
HAW. International and FGCSS are organizing an International Conference on "knowledge Production and Human Rights" from 27 to 29 November 2023.
We are happy to welcome Dr. Chaldeans Mensah from our partner university MacEwan.