Vortragsreihe im WS 2020/21: Menschenrechte in Wirtschaft und Arbeit

Lauren Coyle Rosen

Bearbeitung: JS / HS Fulda

Wir möchten Sie zum Online-Vortrag "Fires of Gold: Law, Spirit, and Sacrificial Labor in Ghana" von Lauren Coyle Rosen am 19.01.2021 um 19:00 Uhr einladen.

Der Vortrag findet digital über Webex statt und ist Teil der Vortragsreihe „Menschenrechte in Wirtschaft und Arbeit“. Gehalten wird er von Lauren Coyle Rosen, Professor of Anthropology an der Princeton University.

Und darum geht es:
Fires of Gold: Law, Spirit, and Sacrificial Labor in Ghana (University of California Press, 2020) presets an ethnography of the oft-concealed cultural, legal, political, and spiritual forces governing gold mining in Ghana, one of Africa’s most celebrated democracies. One key argument of the book regards the roles of what I call shadow sovereigns–or significant sovereign-like bodies that have arisen alongside the formal legal system in order to police, adjudicate, and navigate conflict in this setting of intense violence, destruction, and political rebirth. The talk will focus on earthly and spiritual contests between the so-called informal (or small-scale) miners and those working for a transnational mining giant, in order to illuminate the signal roles of shadow authorities in the reconstitution of sovereign power. In so doing, it will ask what this study reveals about broader transformations in the centers of gravity for law and power in the contemporary world.

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