Freshette Demanou


Titel des Promotionsprojektes:  The perception of the integration processes of the NoSo internally displaced people in Yaounde and impact on cleavages in Cameroon

The early second half of the 1900s marked the independence of several African countries from different colonial powers all over the continent, and especially in West- and Central Africa (Munene, 1995). The rehearsal of political schemes within the West-African community has led the region to a series of political, ethnic, and economic civil wars. Beyond the substantial human losses, the crises raise the issue of internal displacements in and between the different West-African countries and the socio-professional integration perspectives of internally displaced people in this post-war context. Thus, a failed integration on a longer-term often creates social cleavages among the society and leads us to our fundamental question. How do NoSo internally displaced people perceive current integration processes and existing cleavages in the target society? The present dissertation entitled: „ The perception of the integration processes of the NoSo internally displaced people in Yaounde and impact on cleavages in Cameroon“ aims at understanding the perception of the integration system and structures of NoSo internally displaced people in Yaounde, and gasping the role of integration processes on the cleavages in the Cameroonian society from the perspective of NoSo IDPs.  In the research, problematics such as statelessness among the internally displaced population and its impact on integration will be addressed, as well as the educational system and integration of migrant professionals, and language barriers and language stigmatization in the integration process of the NoSo internally displaced people in Cameroon. Moreover, the position of the IDPs towards the feeling of belonging to the country will be addressed. To reach this aim, the grounded theory in a process of participative observation will be used as qualitative analysis method. Qualitative interviews, biographies and group interviews on a longitudinal multi-case qualitative process will serve the data collection and analysis. For the verification of the data, the triangulation will be applied and research memos will be created.

Keywords: integration processes, internally displaced people, cleavage, North-West/South-West Migrants, Yaoundé, Cameroon


Curriculum vitae in bullet points

  • aktuell Bachelor of Arts in soziale Sicherung, Inklusion und Verwaltung, Hochschule Fulda
  • 2021 Master of Arts in Human Rights in Politics, Law and Society, Hochschule Fulda
  • Seit 2021 Migrationsberaterin und Koordinatorin der Integrationsmaßnahmen von Flüchtlingen und Asylsuchenden in Deutschland
  • 2019 Integrationsbeauftragte und Referentin für Migrationsfragen über Sub-Sahara Migranten in Marokko und Binnenmigranten in Elfenbeinküste
  • 2018 Master of Arts Übersetzung und Dolmetschen (English-French-German / Spanisch) in Kamerun
  • 2017 Empirische Forschung, Interviewerin und Data Analyst in AMCODE, Kamerun
  • 2017 Bachelor of Arts in Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften, Kamerun 

Funding or scholarship:

2021-2022 DAAD Kurzzeit Promotionsstipendium

2016 DAAD Stipendiatin, Studienaufenthalt

2013 Goethe Institut Stipendiatin, Sprachkursaufenthalt

Period of the PhD project: Since April 2022

Bisherige Auszeichnungen:

2017 Preis als Beste Studentin im Bachelorstudiengang



Prof. Dr.

Eva Gerharz

Gebäude 22,

Raum 25
Prof. Dr.Eva Gerharz+49 661 9640-4613
Nach besonderer Vereinbarung per E-Mail


Prof. Dr. Ulrike Schultz

Theologische Hochschule Friedensau