Joma (Johanna Maria) Thomé
Titel des Promotionsprojektes: Writing on migrants’ bodies and souls. “Not-so-visible” border violence towards and its impact on irregular migrants in the European border regime.
This PhD proposal is about an ethnographic study of “not-so-visible”border violence towards irregular migrants in the European border regime andits impact on migrants’ subjectivities. Irregular migrants in the Europeanborder regime are subject to a constantly increasing degree of violence whichincludes visible, direct, and physical as well as invisible, slow, andstructural types of violence. Their daily practices, social relationships, andtrajectories are essentially structured by their dealing with past violentexperiences, their current condition, and the future threat of exposure toviolence. It is in this quality of their lives and their being that this workmakes the connection between illegal migrants in the European border regime,border violence and the concept of “coloniality of Being”. Theoretically, Icombine critical perspectives from the disciplines of sociology andanthropology about (border) violence and subjectivity with decolonial thought. Iaim to generate a typology of “not-so-visible” border violence and its ways ofoperating and being at work, to distinguish it clearly and conceptually fromvisible, direct, physical violence. While doing so, I lay a focus on understandingits embodiment and impact on the migrants’ subjectivity, everyday practices,trajectories, and world- and self-view. Following an ethnographic approach, Iwill work in two different field locations, the Bosnian-Croatian border andBrussels, in the double role of an activist/humanitarian worker and researcher.Methods for collecting data will include participant observation,ethnographic/narrative/expert interviews with migrants, and digitalethnography, following an approach of patchwork ethnography.
Kontakt: thome.joma(at)
- 2019-2022: MA in Human Rights in Politics, Law and Society. Hochschule Fulda.
- 2021-2022: Auslandssemester im M.A. Social Work with Refugees. German-Jordanian University (Jordanien).
- 2018-2019: BA of Honours in Outdoor Education. Atlantic Technological University (Irland).
- 2016-2017: Zwei Auslandssemester an der Universitat d’Alacant (Spanien).
- 2014-2016: Ordinary BA in Adventure Tourism Management. Munster Technological University (Irland).
- 2021-aktuell: Redaktionsassistenz für die Zeitschrift spw
- 2020-aktuell: Mitbegründerin und Co-Koordinatorin des ehrenamtlichen Projekts Mampferando
- 2020: Praktikum im EU-Parlament
Beginn des Promotionsprojektes: Zeitraum von 10/2022 bis 10/2025
- Promotionsstipendium Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
- Promotionsanschubförderung der Hochschule Fulda, März 2022-Mai 2022
- Deutschlandstipendium 2020-2021
- Ehrenamtspreis Engagement Hoch Zehn im Rahmen des Deutschlandstipendiums
- Wuppertaler Ehrenbürgerin
- Wuppertaler Heimatpreis
- Academic Achievement Award (beste Bachelor-Absolventin)
- 05/2023: Thomé, Joma: Ethnographische Einsichten in das Erfahren von und Umgehen mit Racial Profiling & "Racial Logics" - aus der Perspektive irregulärer Migrant*innen auf der Balkanroute. Tagung: Rassismus als Herausforderung für die Einwanderungsgesellschaft, im Akademie Franz-Hitze-Haus, Münster.