Shaden Sabouni


Titel des Promotionsprojektes: "Neither here, nor there” - Narratives of home and belonging of Syrian Refugees in Germany"

"My study focuses on Syrian refugees in Germany and their efforts to integrate. I focus on how they experience home in everyday life and which homemaking practices they employ. Thousands of families have traded their lives to pursue better opportunities for their children and for the potential of a new, fresh and stable life. They no longer have to face bombs, snipers, kidnapping and other life-threatening fears, but instead they have to face bureaucracy, language barriers, social isolation, integration challenges and the daily struggle to find inner peace, acceptance and protection. Such profound life changes in the sociocultural area may result in a disrupted lifestyle, leading to unstable patterns of social relations within refugee families, along with the transient foundation of rights, which often confronts families with a sense of fear and might even push them to the margins of society. The experience of flight and asylum status may produce multiple ambiguities and destabilizes their sense of belonging. Making home in the host country becomes more complicated and related insecurities put them in a liminal, ‘in-between’ position, affecting their vision of and plans towards their future. In my dissertation, I therefore aim at exploring Syrian refugees’ construction of home and belonging and to show how it is differently negotiated within family and its consequences on family relations as a part of everyday lives. Therefore, the diverse standpoints of home-making within family affiliates and the negotiation of home and belonging shall be researched along with exploring the new emerging relationships due to differing attitudes toward core topics."


Beginn des Promotionsprojektes: seit April 2021 bis April 2024



09/2020 Praktikum bei Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

04/2018 - 12/2020: Masterstudium: Intercultural Communication and European Studies an der Hoschule Fulda

11/2018 - 03/2020: Voluntariat bei "Wir"

01/10/2017 - 28/02/2020: Voluntariat bei "Welcome In e.V."

23/04/2018 - 24/04/2018: Weiterbildung "Hochschuldidaktik für Lehrbeauftragte"

01/09/2018 - 12/11/2018: Ausbildung beim Landkreis Fulda

06/1997 - 09/2001: Bachelor Studium an der Aleppo Universität für Humanwissenschaften


Ab 04/2023: Universität von Oxford/ Studienzentrum für Flüchtlinge: Assistent der Lehrkraft

Ab 04/2023 Hochschule Fulda Promotionszentrum für Sozialwissenschaften: Leitung von Diskussionsrunden für Doktoranden an der Hochschule Fulda

Ab 09/2021 Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH: Kulturtrainer

04/2018 - 03/2020: Hochschule Fulda Dozentin/ Wirtschaftsenglisch

02/2021 Praktikum im "Team Ausreisevorbereitung"

09/2020 Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

07/2019 - 10/2019 Jugendamt/ Fulda: Praktikum in der Abteilung Integration und Inklusion

09/2014 - 06/2016: Al-Mashreq Private School: Head of department in High School 

09/2008 - 06/2014: Al-Mashreq Private School: English Lehreirn 

06/2000 - 06/2002: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ):  Dolmetscher Koordinatorin 

Soziales Engagement: 

•  Flüchtlingsbetreuerin in der Gemeinde Wachtberg

•  Dolmetscherin Deutsch-Arabisch in Fulda Landkreis

•  Integrationskursleiterin im Welcome In e.V. Fulda


07/2022 Workshop report- "Struggle for hope"


11/2021 Fulda University of Applied Sciences: Fulda International Autumn School „Global Inequalities and Human Rights”

12/2021 Hochschule München: Gastdozentin/The Lived Experience of Being a Refugee

05/2022 Hoschule Fulda: Research Week für Promovierende des FGCSS

05/2022 (ACCS2022) The International Academic Forum (IAFOR)Tokyo/ Toshi: The Asian Conference on Cultural Studies 

07/2022 Internationales Webinar/ University of Vienna/ University of Winchester: Education, displacement, and the enduring double standard: Resisting the construction of ‘worthy’ and ‘unworthy’ refugees

07/2022 Universität Belfast: 17th EASA Biennial Conference European Association for Social Anthropologists 

09/2022 Universität Ghent: CESSMIR2022 Conference Contemporary forms of racism and discrimination

09/2022 (NWFF 2022) Conference of Refugee Sciences/ Chemnitz: 4th Conference of the German Network for The Forced Migration Studies


Prof. Dr.

Rixta Wundrak

Gebäude 22,

Raum 25
Prof. Dr.Rixta Wundrak+49 661 9640-4583
Donnerstag 15:00 - 16:00 Uhr und nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail


Prof. Dr.

Eva Gerharz

Gebäude 22 (P),

Raum 25
Prof. Dr.Eva Gerharz+49 661 9640-4613
Nach besonderer Vereinbarung per E-Mail